Disney Collector's Edition Jigsaw Puzzle 1940 (1000 pieces)


Tempo di consegna previsto 5-7 giorni

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€16,99 tasse incl.


Step into the golden era of cinema and entertainment with this delightful 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle that pays homage to Mickey Mouse in the 1940s. This puzzle is not just a piece of art; it's a journey through time, where Mickey takes center stage in two classic animates shots: "Tugboat Mickey" and "Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip." As you piece together this puzzle, you'll be transported to the enchanting world of the 1940s. The puzzle's border is adorned with meticulously reproduced vintage theater and cinema tickets, a testament to the era's love for the silver screen. These tickets are a reminder of the joyous outings families and friends used to enjoy during those magical times.- Premium jigsaw puzzle with softclick technology - 1000 pieces - Dimensions: 70 x 50 cm

Scheda tecnica

ToylineDisney (Ravensburger)
Tipologia di prodottoPuzzle
Categoria di prodottoPuzzles
Weight (Kg.)0.84

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