Vorbestellung Mythic Legions: Reign of the Beasts Actionfigur Leodysseus Ogre Scale


Erwarted: ende August 2026

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€159,00 inkl. MwSt.

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Mehr Infos

The first of the Great Beasts given life by Selyne, Leodysseus the Lion towered above the brave soldiers he led into battle during the First Great War of Mythoss. A shining example of bravery, Leodysseus faced off against the demonic Arethyr, using his massive hammer to defeat the fiery God of War. The Lion's motto to be "the shield that protects the realm, and the sword that strikes those who threaten its peace" would form the core belief of the army that would eventually bear his name. That army would follow the example of unwavering dedication to military strength that Leodysseus showed during the First Great War, and his courage would be revered for all time within the kingdom of Leandorr.

Technische Daten

ThemaMythic Legions
ToylineMythic Legions
SublineMythic Legions
HerstellerFour Horsemen Toy Design
ProduktartAction Figure
ProduktkategorieAction Figures

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