Erwarted: ende August 2026
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Members of the Coatl, a reptilian race long vanished in Mythoss, the Serpenspire Royal Guard were comprised of the highest-ranking soldiers in Bassylia's den of followers. Possessing fully serpentine lower bodies like Bassylia herself, only the High Mages were above the Royal Guards within the ranks of the early Convocation. Equally adept at wielding weapons in melee combat as they were with weaving together power spells, no one knows how these soldiers disappeared from the realm - or perhaps that disappearance is not a mystery, but is one of the many secrets locked away in the vaults of Ophidionn.
Thema | Mythic Legions |
Toyline | Mythic Legions (Four Horsemen Toy Design) |
Hersteller | Four Horsemen Toy Design |
Jahr | 2025 |
Produktart | Action figures |
Produktkategorie | Action Figures |
Lager | Pre-order |