She-Ra: Princess of Power
Check out our assortiment She-Ra: Princess of Power action figures and toys.
She-Ra: Princess of Power is an American animated television series that was produced in 1985 by Filmation. As a spin-off of the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series from Filmation She-Ra aimed primarily at a young female audience to offset the popularity of He...
Check out our assortiment She-Ra: Princess of Power action figures and toys.
She-Ra: Princess of Power is an American animated television series that was produced in 1985 by Filmation. As a spin-off of the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series from Filmation She-Ra aimed primarily at a young female audience to offset the popularity of He-Man in young men. Unlike the He-Man cartoon, which was based on the Masters of the Universe toy line from Mattel, the creation of She-Ra was a collaboration between Filmation and Mattel. The first group of characters and premise created by Filmation, while the characters are introduced later, designed by Mattel. Mattel provided financial support for the show, as well as an accompanying toy line. The series premiered in 1985 and was canceled in 1986 after two seasons and 93 episodes.