Preordine Azur Lane - New Jersey PVC Statue 1/8 Midsummer Leisure 14 cm



ETA: END 06/2025

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€80,99 tasse incl.



"New Jersey: Midsummer Leisure" from the popular mobile game "Azur Lane", is coming out as the 1/8 scale figure in the Gift+ series. New Jersey, dressed in a blue bikini, sits on the beach enjoying the summer sun, her long ponytail cascading onto the sand. She leans slightly forward, propping herself up with one hand, elegantly showcasing her graceful curves. With a playful wink from her profile, she invites. Commander, would you like to enjoy a leisurely time by the beach with New Jersey?This high-quality statue comes from the video game "Azur Lane - New Jersey". The detailed 1:8 scale PVC statue is approx. 14 cm tall and comes in a printed window box.

Scheda tecnica

TemaAzur Lane
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues

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