Pre-order: Case Closed Tenitol PVC Statue Toru Amuro 16 cm


Attendu: Fine febbraio 2025

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€79,00 tasse incl.


The enigmatic figure, who uses a triple face, has been sculpted in a sophisticated appearance! The figure is sculpted with great attention to detail, including a dignified expression and a sofa with realistic textures.We hope you will enjoy the world of "CASE CLOSED" by displaying him together with Conan and Haibara as a set. "TENITOL Conan Edogawa" and "TENITOL Ai Haibara" are sold separately.

Scheda tecnica

TemaDetective Conan / Case Closed
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)0.21

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