Preordine Corpse Bride Bust Emily 29 cm



Attendu: Inizio di luglio 2024

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€69,99 tasse incl.



Discover the land of the dead with Nemesis Now's officially licensed Corpse Bride Bust. Featuring Emily, the Corpse Bride who can be seen staring forward, clutching onto her bouquet of flowers with her skeleton hands. Wearing her iconic torn wedding dress and vail. Cast in the finest resin, before being delicately hand-painted, this piece is perfect for any lover of the classic Tim Burton movie.- Officially licensed Corpse Bride Merchandise - Cast in the finest resin

Scheda tecnica

TemaCorpse Bride
ToylineCorpse Bride (Nemesis Now)
SublineCorpse Bride
fabbricanteNemesis Now
Tipologia di prodottoBust
Categoria di prodottoBusts
Weight (Kg.)1

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