Pre-order: DC Multiverse Action Figure 2-Pack Rookie & Mr. Bloom (Batman: Endgame) (Gold Label) (SDCC) 18 cm


Attendu: Metà agosto 2024

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€94,99 tasse incl.


"ROOKIE: Gordon was invited to head up the Batman Task Force as the city's new Batman for a time. He got into shape and became the best Batman he could be, piloting a giant mechanical suit.MISTER BLOOM™ Likened to a noxious weed, spreading his evil seeds across Gotham City, Mister Bloom was both a Super-Villain and a power broker. His seeds were deadly Man-Bat-based implants that granted superpowers to a new wave of criminals, such as Precious Precious, Gee Gee Heung, and Qi Tsu. Mister Bloom used those same implants to transform himself into a super-strong killer with sharp claws and the ability to stretch his body to an extraordinary lengths. "

Scheda tecnica

TemaDC Comics
ToylineDC Comics (McFarlane Toys)
fabbricanteMcFarlane Toys
Tipologia di prodottoAction Figure
Categoria di prodottoAction Figures
Weight (Kg.)0.3

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