Preordine Dungeons & Dragons Action Figure 50th Anniversary Strongheart 18 cm



Attendu: Metà luglio 2024

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€43,99 tasse incl.



Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons with NECA and WizKids! For this special occasion we have reimagined the classic Strongheart action figure release for the modern collector's market, with special touches to celebrate 50 years of D&D. Featuring a retro paint deco, the figure includes a sword and sheath, dagger, articulated helmet visor, and vintage style cloth cape. This 50th Anniversary Strongheart action figure comes on blister card packaging that is a tribute to the original release.

Scheda tecnica

TemaDungeons & Dragons
ToylineDungeons & Dragons
SublineDungeons & Dragons
Tipologia di prodottoAction Figure
Categoria di prodottoAction Figures
Weight (Kg.)0.252

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