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Pre-order: Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure Ghosts of Saltmarsh english


Attendu: Inizio di agosto 2024

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€44,99 tasse incl.


Ghosts of Saltmarsh brings classic adventures into fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. This adventure book combines some of the most popular classic adventures from the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons including the classic "U" series, plus some of the best nautical adventures from the history of Dungeon Magazine: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Danger at Dunwater, Salvage Operation, Isle of the Abbey, The Final Enemy, Tammeraut's Fate, The Styes.- Ghosts of Salt Marsh includes a variety of seafaring adventures, enough to take characters from level 1 to level 12. - This supplement details the port town of Saltmarsh, the perfect starting point for a nautical campaign. - Each adventure can be played individually, inserted into your ongoing game or combined into a single epic nautical campaign.

Scheda tecnica

TemaDungeons & Dragons
fabbricanteWizards of the Coast
Tipologia di prodottoBoard games and accessories
Categoria di prodottoBoard games and accessories
ConfezioneWithout packaging

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