Preordine Escape from New York Crown Series Action Figure 1/6 Snake Plissken (Sculpted Hair Version) 30 cm



ETA: END 06/2025

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€399,00 tasse incl.



Sideshow and Asmus Collectible Toys are excited to present the Snake Plissken (Sculpted Hair Version) Sixth Scale Figure!This Crown series Snake Plissken Sixth Scale Figure from the cult classic movie Escape from New York features multiple accessories, including a realistic headsculpt in super detail and likeness to the movie actor - Kurt Russel, with sculpted hair and moveable eyeball.Don't miss your chance to add this Snake Plissken (Sculpted Hair Version) Sixth Scale Figure to your Escape from New York collection today!

Scheda tecnica

TemaEscape from New York
ToylineEscape from New York
SublineEscape from New York
fabbricanteAsmus Collectible Toys
Tipologia di prodottoAction Figure
Categoria di prodottoAction figures: 30 cm

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