Preordine Goddes of Victory: Nikke Statue 1/4 Marian 41 cm



Attendu: Fine marzo 2025

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€479,00 tasse incl.



"I will protect you. No matter what happens."From the immersive sci-fi RPG "GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE" for smartphone and PC comes a 1/4 scale figure of Marian, a member of the Counters. Marian has won the hearts of numerous Commanders, with the surprising development of the main story in the beginning. The figure features a faithful sculpt of her key visual illustration, with her equipment and miniskirt outfit carefully reproduced using translucent parts. The meticulous paintwork helps bring to life the rich details of both Marian's outfit, as well as First Affection, her main weapon. It is a figure with plenty to feast your eyes on! Be sure to welcome the beautiful and resilient Marian to your collection, Commander!

Scheda tecnica

TemaGoddess of Victory: Nikke
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)3.447

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