Preordine Godzilla (2023) TOHO Daikaiju Series PVC Statue Godzilla 23 cm



ETA: END 03/2025

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€269,00 tasse incl.



Godzilla (2023) from Godzilla Minus One (released in 2023) joins the Toho Dikaiju series!Godzilla, who suddenly appeared in a Japan turned into scorched earth. The figure, which ravaged post-war Japan and drove its people into the depths of despair, is recreated in a 22.5 cm tall model. The intricate texture of the entire body, along with its massive proportions, are faithfully sculpted. Additionally, the uniquely shaped dorsal fins, unlike any other Godzilla in history, are meticulously reproduced.Don't miss this opportunity!Size: 23 x 35 cm

Scheda tecnica

Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)1.888

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