Preordine Gremlins Action Figures Evolution of a Gremlin 40th Anniversary Box Set 18 cm



ETA: END 01/2025

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€86,99 tasse incl.



You know the rules: Don't get them wet. Keep them out of bright light. And for the love of God, don't feed them after midnight! Keep these simple guidelines in mind, and you might have a chance when you bring home NECA's "Evolution of a Gremlin" 40th Anniversary Box Set. Go from Mogwai to Gremlin with this action figure 3-pack celebrating the classic 1984 holiday horror film, Gremlins! This set includes 7-inch scale articulated figures of Gizmo, Mogwai Stripe, and Gremlin Stripe-including synthetic hair. Gizmo and Mogwai Stripe feature poseable eyes, and Gizmo has two interchangeable faceplates. Movie-accurate accessories include chainsaw, skateboard, and saw blade! Comes in collector-friendly window box packaging.

Scheda tecnica

Tipologia di prodottoCard Box
Categoria di prodottoAction Figures
Weight (Kg.)0.651

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