Pre-order: Kaiju No. 8 Pote Raba Rubber Mascot mini Statue Kaiju No. 8 8 cm


Attendu: Fine novembre 2024

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€28,99 tasse incl.


"From the anime Kaiju No. 8 comes a rubber POTE RABA mini-figure!POTE RABA is a new series of cute chibi mini-figures. Made with a matte rubber material, each POTE RABA is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand ? Place them around your room, display them on your desk or keep them as a little travel companion in your bagAdd this cute chibi version of Kaiju No. 8 to your collection today!"

Scheda tecnica

TemaKaiju No. 8
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)0.273

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