Preordine Lord of the Rings Art Print The Argonath - Pillars of the Kings 59 x 30 cm



Attendu: Fine agosto 2024

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€66,99 tasse incl.



From the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy comes this high-quality art print. The dimensions of the print are 59 cm x 29,7 cm. A lovely cinematic format.It's printed on good quality 170 gsm satin paper, it will arrive in pristine condition, ready to be framed and hung, pride of place, in your home.

Scheda tecnica

TemaLord of the Rings
fabbricanteWeta Workshop
Tipologia di prodottoArt Print
Categoria di prodottoPosters & Wallscrolls
Weight (Kg.)0.1

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L'ultima volta che questo prodotto è stato aggiunto al carrello: 13/03/2024 09:08:12