Preordine Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Action Figure 1/6 Spider-Man (Homemade Suit) 29 cm



ETA: END 02/2026

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€299,00 tasse incl.



The upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man will delve into the character's early comic book roots and pay homage to the beloved character's origins. HONO STUDIO is thrilled to introduce a sixth-scale action figure of Spider-Man in his Homemade Suit, which perfectly captures the essence of Peter Parker's superhero growth. This sixth-scale figure features Spider-Man's classic Homemade Suit, paired with a navy sportswear set, a red masked head covered in fabric, and protective red knee pads. It also comes with an array of accessories that reflect Peter's dual life as a superhero and student, including a belt with a web fluid canister and fluid tubing, a black backpack, and bendable web strings. This action figure is a dream come true for any die-hard Spider-Man fan, perfectly capturing the spirit of the beloved character.

Scheda tecnica

fabbricanteHono Studio
Tipologia di prodottoAction Figure
Categoria di prodottoAction Figures

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