Preordine Your Lie in April Statue 1/8 Kaori Miyazono 20 cm (3rd-run)



Attendu: Fine gennaio 2025

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€129,00 tasse incl.



From the popular anime series 'Your lie in April' comes a 1/8th scale figure of Kaori Miyazono. The figure is based on an illustration drawn by the original creator of the series, Naoshi Arakawa. It captures the normally energetic Kaori with a slightly uncertain smile on her face.The violin she holds in her arms has been intricately sculpted based on a real violin, and even the details and texture of her shoes have been carefully thought out. Careful attention has been given to even the smallest parts of the accessories and details of her clothes to create a figure of Kaori that fans will be proud to own.

Scheda tecnica

TemaYour Lie in April
fabbricanteGood Smile Company
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)0.68

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