Dramatical Murder PVC Statue 1/6 Aoba Wasou Ver. 20 cm


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Meer informatie

From here to beyond, Along with the beloved AobaBeloved for 10 years and continues to be. Aoba, who lives on in your hearts, has been reproduced in a new outfit by Honyarara.Messily worn traditional clothing, hair tied tightly, and with such dignified smile. The allure of Aoba, loved by all, regardless of genders and generations.. is packed into this figure.Aoba's appearance looks fresh every time you see him. And for years to come, he will luster profusely.Consider what's infront of you.. in your line of sight. Because you'll certainly have a good time together with Aoba,*"Aoba Wasou Ver." is not cast-off and does not include a Naked Body Part


ThemaDRAMAtical Murder
Product typeBeeld
Product CategorieBeelden
VoorraadMagazijn (Levertijd varieert)
Gewicht (Kg.)0.8