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Meer informatie
Of all the terrors to confront the Fellowship of the Ring on their journey, none would compare with the Balrog. A demon of flame and shadow, the creature had lain entombed for countless ages in the deepest darkness, far beneath the Misty Mountains.Deep within the earth, tunnelling for Mithril in sunless black rock, the Dwarves disturbed something that had remained safely entombed since ages past, a being of unfathomable terror, relic of a time of gods and giants, a creature of which the like should never walk again in Middle-earth and for whom there were few equals remaining in the world, a Balrog of Morgoth. The Balrog could be harmed by no blade or device of Dwarf design. By the hundreds, Durin's people and the Dwarf King himself fell before the beast, after named Durin's Bane. When the Fellowship of the Ring sought to pass beneath the Misty Mountains and thereby thwart the attentions of the fallen Wizard Saruman, it was against Gandalf's grave misgivings, for the Grey Wizard suspected what haunted in the shadows of Moria. Secrecy alone might secure their safe passage, for if the Balrog were alerted, Gandalf knew their escape would only be bought at great price, and he would not again pass through the Dwarf realm's doors.Dimensions: 21 x 32 x 21 cm