Pre-order: Godzilla Action Figure Toho Super Shogun Mechagodzilla (Metallic) 50 cm


Erwarted: ende November 2024

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€359,00 inkl. MwSt.

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Mehr Infos

With a shiny metallic exterior, the latest Toho Super Shogun Mechagodzilla looks like it just came off the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens' assembly line! Standing 20" tall, Super7's Super Shoguns are the next evolution of the jumbo-scale toys made popular in the 1970s and '80s. Here to do battle with your vintage Shogun Warriors Godzilla, this Toho Super Shogun Mechagodzilla features three missile-firing fingers on each hand (six total!), poseable arms, legs, hands and head, and wheels below the feet for that perfect vintage touch. Will Mechagodzilla's pristine metallic exterior survive the epic battles with Godzilla untarnished? Only you can decide!Accessories:- Features missile-firing fingers - Action-ready wheels - Shiny metallic finish

Technische Daten

ToylineGodzilla (Super7)
ProduktartAction Figure
ProduktkategorieAction Figures
Weight (Kg.)5.272

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