Pre-order: The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Replica 1/1 The Pipe of Bilbo Baggins 35 cm


Erwarted: ende August 2024

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€109,90 inkl. MwSt.

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Elegantly carved with a leaf motif, the long stemmed pipe of Bilbo Baggins exemplifies the comfort and decorum of hobbit society. A gentleman’s pipe, befitting a hobbit of standing and decorum such as the master of Bag End, and not some Tookish rapscallion who might run off on adventures, it is perfect for blowing smoke rings and waving good morning at unannounced strangers in pointy hats.The pipe was created for the film by the artists at the 3 Foot 7 Art Department.This non-functional prop replica has been created from molds of the original prop used in the film, using the same high impact urethane material as the props on set and finished using the same techniques and materials to achieve the same well-loved look as it has in the film.The pipe comes with a polystone display stand.

Technische Daten

ThemaThe Hobbit
HerstellerWeta Workshop
ProduktkategorieReplicas: 1/1
VerpackungCardboard box

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