Pre-order: Fist of the North Star Digaction PVC Statue Shin & Heart 11 cm


Attendu: Fine dicembre 2024

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€109,00 tasse incl.


From the immortal masterpiece "Fist of the North Star" comes a set of SHIN, the "KING", and HEART, the body of the "Kempo Killer", as posable figures from DIGACTION! A wide variety of replacement face parts, hand parts, and belly parts for Heart are available! Also included are effect parts for DIGACTION "Kenshiro" to recreate the memorable scene of Kenshiro vs. Hart!DIGACTION "Kenshiro" is sold separately.

Scheda tecnica

TemaFist of the North Star
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)0.188

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