Pre-order: Spirited Away Statue Three-wheeler Diorama / Calendar Take Unabara Train 11 cm


Attendu: Fine ottobre 2024

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€99,99 tasse incl.


This extraordinary calendar featuring Chihiro and No Face from Spirited Away is about as curious as the movie it's based on: Instead of tear-off pages or flip calendar cards, it consists of a diorama and multiple dice, for the date, month, and day of the week.An extra die depicts special characters and objects from the film. You can display the date by turning the dice onto their correct sides. Unless you somehow get roped into a magical spirit world fallen out of time, you can reuse this calendar every year!The Statue is made of resin, measures 10,1 x 10,4 x 7,1 cm

Scheda tecnica

TemaSpirited Away
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)0.894

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