Pre-order: Toridamono Original PVC Statue 1/7 Mira 24 cm


Attendu: Fine febbraio 2025

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€219,00 tasse incl.


Illustrator toridamono's original character Mira has been transformed into a figure!From popular illustrator toridamono's summer greeting illustration comes a scale figure of the sexy and stylish Mira! Her toned physique, a distinctive element of toridamono's style, luxurious sunglasses & hat, carry-on luggage case and the figure's sandy beach resort base culminate in a mature, classy figure. Her clear skin, translucent hair and the variety of cloth, metal and leather textures across the figure have been captured with meticulous paintwork.With a beautiful body and mischievous expression, Mira gives off an aura of danger and excitement. Enjoy your vacation with Mira!

Scheda tecnica

TemaOriginal Character
fabbricanteWonderful Works
Tipologia di prodottoStatue
Categoria di prodottoStatues
Weight (Kg.)0.75

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