Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Bo-Katan Kryze's Helmet Replica


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€1.422,72 incl. BTW

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Bo-Katan Kryze's Mandalorian Helmet was the Mandalorian helmet worn by the Mandalorian Bo-Katan Kryze along with her armor. According to Kryze, the armor had been in her family for three generations. The Nite Owl helmet was painted blue, grey, and white, which matched her armor. Before the Siege of Mandalore, Kryze's helmet had been repainted with new markings. Features: - As seen in the Disney+ Star Wars live-action series, The Mandalorian - Worldwide Edition Size: 500 - Master patterns and paint master made by the original prop maker. - Limited edition full Scale 1:1 Prop Replica - Fiberglass construction - Screen accurate paint and pattern from the original prop maker. - Metal support range finder - EFX Dsiplay Base - Metal Numbered Plaque - Prop Story - Certificate of Authenticity


ThemaStar Wars
Product typeReplica
Product CategorieReplicas: 1/1
VoorraadMagazijn (Levertijd varieert)
Gewicht (Kg.)2.756

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