Pre-order: Batman & Robin DC Multiverse Action Figure Mr. Freeze (Black Light Edition) (Gold Label) 18 cm


Verwacht: eind mei 2025

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€41,99 incl. BTW

Meer informatie

THE DARK KNIGHT™ battles his greatest threats yet: cold-hearted MR. FREEZE™, venomous POISON IVY™ and the unstoppable brute known only as BANE™. BATMAN™ finds himself at odds with his crimefighting comrade ROBIN™, no longer satisfied with his role as a sidekick. As MR. FREEZE™ threatens to unleash a new ice age upon the citizens of GOTHAM CITY™, the DYNAMIC DUO, now joined by the heroic newcomer BATGIRL™, must learn to work as a team before GOTHAM CITY is put on ice.


ThemaDC Comics
ToylineDC Comics
SublineDC Comics
FabrikantMcFarlane Toys
Product typeActiefiguur
Product CategorieAction Figures
Gewicht (Kg.)0.415

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